AFK Journey Tier List

AFK Journey is a cutting-edge fantasy role-playing game with engaging storybook illustrations and strategic combat. As the renowned wizard Merlin, players explore a distinct universe with many different races and engage with strategic adventures.

The ethereal fantasy role-playing game AFK Journey is available for free. Discover a fusion of AFK gaming with captivating narratives and fresh strategic layers. The average single-player time is 73 hours and 29 minutes for the Main Story, 88 hours and 45 minutes for the Main + Extras, and 82 hours and 39 minutes for All PlayStyles. 

Although you can choose your game characters from AFK Journey Tier List as you cast for a fresh character, the commercialization is still quite predatory, and almost all game modes are pay to win. In general, the AFK Journey may be completed without paying money, despite some of the gacha components.

If you’re offline, resource collecting is made much easier by the auto-battle capabilities, which is highly practical. This game is an auto-chess gacha instead of a turn-based RPG. You have almost no control over how, when, or against whom a character uses any of their magical “abilities.” Indeed, you have very little influence over the general movement of a given unit.

AFK Journey Tier List 2024

Here is the AFK Journey Tier List 2024:

TierDamage dealerSpecialistSupportTank
S+Arden Lily May OdieCarolina Eironn ScarlitaKoko Smokey & MeerkyPhraesto Ulmus
SFlorabelle LenyaTalene Tasi TemesiaDamian Hewynn Reinier RowanAntandra Brutus
AAlsa Bryon Cecia Rhys ViperianNara Parisa ShakirLudovic MikolaGranny Dahnie Thoran  
BBerial Dionel Marilee Seth Silvina ValaCassadee Lyca Satrana SinbadNiruDunlingr Lucius Lumont
CAtalanta Mirael Salazer ValenIgor Kafra Korin Kruger Soren Walker  Fay 

AFK Journey Tier List Reddit

While you can be driven by one or two powerful characters in the very beginning of AFK Journey. As the game progresses, individual strength becomes less important and you must form appropriate teams according to synergy, faction advantages, etc.

Experienced PTR players helped us develop the AFK Journey Tier List by providing with their opinions on the characters and performances of AFK Journey. Zeeebo, Volkin, and DangerGrey deserve special recognition. Zeeebo and DangerGrey both come from the Analytica AFK community for AFK Analytica that backs AFK Journey and AFK Arena.

AFK Journey Tier List Prydwen

This table shows the AFK Journey Tier List Prydwen:

TierDamage dealerSpecialistSupportTank
S+Lenya Lily May OdieTalene TemesiaSmokey & MeerkyThoran
SBryon Cecia Florabelle Rhys ValaCassadee Parisa ShakirKoko Ludovic Mikola ReinierPhraesto
AAlsa Arden Berial Dionel Marilee SethCarolina Eironn Korin Kruger Scarlita Sinbad Soren TasiDamian Rowan 
BSilvinaLyca Nara SatranaHewynnAntandra Brutus Granny Dahnie Lucius
CAtalanta Mirael Salazer Valen ViperianIgor Kafra Walker  Fay NiruDunlingr Lumont Ulmus

AFK Journey Tier List September

Below is the AFK Journey Tier List September along with the characters

AFK Journey Tier List August 2024

Heroes in the game are ranked from greatest to worst in an AFK Journey Tier List. Since upgrading heroes can be expensive and the choice cannot be undone, tier lists may serve as a useful tool for deciding which characters to invest in.

Each hero is rated using a separate set of criteria:

  • S+: Meta
  • S: Powerful
  • A: Good
  • B: Ordinary
  • C: Bad
  • D: Avoid using

S-Level has the greatest hero tier at the moment.

C-Level has the lowest and bad tier characters.

AFK Journey Tier List Lily May

According to the AFK Journey tier list, Lily May is now rated S+. She excels in the two categories of PvP and Dream Realm, especially against Eironn designs, and is regarded as being extremely strong and adaptable.

AFK Journey Tier List Maker

You can begin by visiting a tier list creator portal and dragging and dropping character photos into the appropriate order to build an AFK Journey Tier List. You can change the description of the label in every row after you’ve arranged the heroes anyway you like, before you save or download the tier list. Another resource for advice is the community rankings, which provide aggregate average ratings from multiple tier lists.

AFK Journey Tier List Mikola

Recently, on August 15, 2024, Mikola was added to the AFK Journey tier list. Since the most recent tier list considers modifications from recent patches, it is best to consult it while evaluating his skills and fit for your team configuration. Because ratings are subject to modify depending on gameplay effectiveness, make sure to regularly check for changes.

AFK Journey Tier List Honor Duel

Heroes are ranked in the AFK Journey Honor Duel Tier List according to how well they’ve performed in the most recent patch. Heroes like Silvina and Cecia are found in the top tier (S), although Igor and Thorin are dependable choices in tier A. In tier B, Niru and Salazer are seen as wise choices.

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