AFK Journey Crystal Beetle
One of the eight Dream Realm opponents that you can face in AFK Journey is Crystal Beetle, who debuted in Season 2. The AFK Journey is Crystal Beetle and the most effective heroes and teams to deploy against him will be covered in this guide.
Your meta squad will essentially rely on your particular box and accounts focus, so make use of your most rare DPS carry characters as well as the character who can increase their damage output the most. Since there is presently no method to increase a Hypercarry’s collateral to the point where it is worthwhile using only one, attempt using Dual Carry. Remember the faction benefit, but don’t use less-than-ideal characters to get it.

AFK Journey Prim Lord Crystal Beetle
The most recent Prim Lord AFK Journey Crystal Beetle becomes available 30 days following the Song of Strife server debut. You only get three chances to battle the AFK Journey Crystal Beetle each day, just like other Primal Bosses. You will earn chests based on the amount of damage you deal during the battle, and you are going to see a complete screen listing all of your awards at the conclusion of the battle.
Primal Lords provide a wealth of resources, including Hero Essence, Gold, EXP, and more, making them an excellent method to advance in AFK Journey. Therefore, in order to maximize this mode, you should be sure to complete your three daily battles. With its enormous level of Dodge thanks to Skill 1, the AFK Journey Crystal Beetle making it difficult to choose heroes for your squad, compared the previous administration Primal Lords when you had a little more freedom.
As a result, you have only one option because practically no carry in the game can harm it. In this scenario, Korin lacks the hero who can deal the greatest damage to the AFK Journey Crystal Beetle, the superstar. As a result, your squad should concentrate on keeping Koring safe and maximizing his damage. Phraesto is now the best squad for the Crystal Beetle that can cause the most damage.
Best Team
- Phraesto
- Thoran
- Scarlita
- Korin
- Koko

F2P Team
Although this is the ideal squad for this mode of play, you may utilize this particular one if you don’t have Phraesto and Scarlita built up, as we understand that not everyone does:
- Thoran
- Lucius
- Smokey & Meerky
- Koko
- Korin
Thoran serves as a debuffer and sub-dps, and this team provides Korin with the maximum survival possible. The most effective artifacts for any squad to employ in their fight to defeat the AFK Journey Crystal Beetle are:
- Evocation Spell
- Quickblade Spell
Each has a certain purpose. Although the Evocation Spell increases survival, the Quickblade Spell deals somewhat more damage. Ensure that you try both and choose which suits you the best.

Crystal Beetle AFK Journey Teams
Season 2 Teams (Endless)
Team #1 – Best Team (Whale – Reinier + Phraesto)
Details about the Character:
- The primary carrier is Lily May.
- Phraesto serves as both a secondary carry and a tank.
- As an alternative, Odie is available.
- Reinier serves as both a buffer and a debuffer (Mythic+ is needed).
- Mikola serves as a buffer and healer.
- An alternate option is Shakir (EX+10 necessary).
- Smokey & Meerky serve as a buffer and a healer.
- Resonating Spell: The best performance all around.
- Tidecall spell: It is used to close second in damage.
Team #2 – Alt Team (Reinier + Talene)
Details about the Character:
- The primary carry is Talene.
- The backup carry is Lily May.
- Another option with a resonant spell is Odie.
- Reinier serves as both a buffer and a debuffer (Mythic+ is necessary).
- Smokey & Meerky serve as a buffer and a healer.
- Koko is utilized for her damage resistance, healing, and buffs.
- Resonating Spell: The best performance all around.
- Tidecall spell: It is used to close second in damage.
Team #3 – Alt Team (Reinier + Lily May)
Details about the Character:
- Odie is the primary carry.
- The backup carry is Lily May.
- Alsa can serve as a substitute.
- Err is an alternate option as well.
- Reinier serves as both a buffer and a debuffer (Mythic+ is necessary).
- Mikola serves as a buffer and healer.
- An alternative would be Smokey & Meerky.
- As an alternative, Koko can be employed.
- An alternate option is Shakir (EX+10 necessary).
- Resonating Spell: The best performance all around.
- Tidecall spell: It is used to close second in damage.
Team #4 – No Celehypo
Details about the character
- The major carrier is Odie.
- The backup carry is Lily May.
- Err is an alternate option as well.
- Another secondary carrier is Alsa.
- Mikola serves as a buffer and healer.
- An alternate option is Shakir (EX+10 necessary).
- Koko is utilized for her damaging resistance, healing, and buffs.
- An alternative would be Smokey & Meerky.
- Resonating Spell: The best performance all around.
- Tidecall spell: It is used to close second in damage.
Season 2 Teams (Pre-Endless)
Team #1 – Best Team (Whale – Reinier + Talene)
Details about the Character:
- Tarene is the primary carry.
- Alsa is the backup carrier.
- Odie can be employed with resonant spells as an alternative.
- With a resonating spell, Lily May may be utilized as a substitute.
- Reinier serves as both a buffer and a debuffer (Mythic+ is needed).
- Mikola serves as a buffer and healer.
- An alternative option is Shakir (EX+10 necessary).
- Tidecall Spell: The best efficiency all around.
- Resonating Spell: It comes in second in terms of damage.
Team #2 – Alt Team (Reinier + Lily May)
Details about the character
- Odie is the primary carry.
- The backup carry is Lily May.
- Alsa can serve as a substitute.
- You can also use Err as a substitute.
- Reinier serves as both a buffer and a debuffer (Mythic+ needed).
- Mikola serves as a buffer and healer.
- Other options include Smokey & Meerky.
- An alternate option is Shakir (EX+10 necessary).
- Koko is utilized for her damage resistance, healing, and buffs.

- Resonating Spell: The best performance all around.
- Tidecall spell: It is used to close second in damage.